Fabienne Quinsac
informal painting










Acrylic paintings - Planets and hellfires

Marine Constructions

Planets & Hellfires

Red & Black

Black Series


Grey & Red

Days of Snow

The Aprons




Pinks masts - watercolor - marine art

Terrestrial Architectures

Marine Art



tar paintings

The Remnants

Colored Tar

Bubbling Blues



French painter Fabienne Quinsac's curiosity cabinet

Curiosity cabinet

The surprising way a painting evolves



Red and black forever

acrylic on canvas,
circa 2009-2010


"What I am looking for through abstraction is to reach the simplicity of the materials, shapes and colors, working on the paintings somehow as an asceticism."



Outcrop (Effleurement), by French painter Fabienne Quinsac

Affleurement 3 (Outcrop n°3)

73x100 cm   2009   2200€




Fossil landscape

Paysage fossile (Fossil landscape)

40x40 cm   750€




Strange / Etrange

Etrange 2 (Strange n°2)

40x40 cm  2008 or 2009  (private collection)




January / Meditation

Janvier / Méditation 1 (January / Meditation n°1)

73x92 cm

The photo, digitally dated from 2008, was taken by Fabienne herself and saved on her computer with the previous title : Chemise du capitaine (Captain's Shirt).




Night train

Train de nuit (Night train)

57x44 cm  330€




Book-burning (Autodafé)

Autodafé (Book-burning)

73x92   2009   2500€

This painting stood for several years in the living room of Fabienne Quinsac's home, located along the river Loire, in Saint-Ay, near Orléans (France).




Sans titre - Carré rouge - Fabienne Quinsac, acrylique sur toile


40x40 cm   500€




Petroleum - Pétrole

Pétrole  (Petroleum)

Triptych 3x 80x100 cm

We have no trace of the painting, except these photos. Maybe the triptych was erased by the artist or sold to an unknown client ?




Outpouring, by French artist Fabienne Quinsac

Epanchement (Outpouring)

100x100 cm   2009   3000€


Red and black : informalism painting by Fabienne Quinsac