Legal notice for


Website by Marie-France Maréchal (†), aka Fabienne Quinsac, and Fabien Maréchal.

© 2013-2024 : Fabienne Quinsac and rights holders/Fabien Maréchal


All the paintings displayed on this website are by Fabienne Quinsac.

Photos: © Fabienne Quinsac (photos until 2013) / © Fabien Maréchal (photos from 2014 to present) / All rights reserved (paintings from private collections)


Contact : Fabien Maréchal / 00 33 143 51 26 37 / 00 651 56 82 35


Internet host : IONOS / 1&1

7, place de la Gare - BP 70109 - 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex - France

Phone : 00 33 970 808 911


The images from this website can be used freely for non profit and educationnal purposes, provided you mention the name of the artist (Fabienne Quinsac), the title of the painting(s) and the source of the image(s) : or

(and please send us a message at to warn us).


For any commercial use (books, exhibitions, prints...), please contact us. Any commercial use is prohibited without prior authorisation.